
Jurictus´s work are elaborated sharp pen-and-Indian-ink line drawings, mostly black and white, and mainly drawing inspiration from both Art Brut and Black Metal. A hypnotic line that reveals monsters, demons, chimeras, a whole universe in which the viewer evolve with patience and relentlessness. All these things constitute a Pandora's box with its personal mythology, but also references and nods to previous masters such as Bosch, Bruegel or Archimboldo.
“Livarot” is a cheese from Normandie, where Jurictus also lives and originates from. Jurictus´ artworks seems to grow from the French northwestern soil and is, just like the cheese, a result of tradition and craftsmanship. 20 black and white offset drawings+ silkscreen printed cover. 150 copies, format 42x29,7